It seems that many an expat has purchased a property and applied their own knowledge to electrical installation. Which I believe and agree is fine up to a point, and that point is when you start to overload the supply that already comes into your home. Or the work has been carried out by an 'incompetent' electrician. Electrical wiring is completely different to the UK, my extensive training and understanding of electrics along with knowledge of French wiring puts me in a good position when it comes to making your French home safe.
This is where the knowledge of a qualified and competent electrician pays dividends as we understand the load of appliances and the impact that they have on the various circuits around your home. We know where additions to existing circuits can be made and where new circuits need installing.
I was recently asked to visit a house to look at their electrics. A visual inspection and testing revealed that certain aspects of the present electrical work were fine, particularly those carried out by an electrician. The aspects which were not fine, were those carried out by the current or previous homeowner. The diagnostic report verified these findings. The homeowner was somewhat surprised as they never had an issue with the electrics over the years. To be fair, a reasonable amount of knowledge was applied to the internal work that was carried out, but much of the property was not protected by earth, so some fundamental aspects were completely missing from the home. My philosophy is that if you are selling a home, it needs to be a safe home that you are selling.
I have also seen homes with UK boxes, boards and sockets, which are an absolute no no. Outdoor circuits wired with incorrect cabling and fittings and cookers not on a designated circuit. All these add up to frequent tripping within the circuits due to overload, under sized or damaged cables. Just because you can turn the power on doesn't mean that the journey from supply to source is the right.
The basis of my business is to make your home electrically safe. Research suggests that many fires in domestic homes across France are attributed to electrical faults. Even some of France's beautiful properties have been destroyed by fire due to electrical fault, La Rochelle earlier this year, for example.
I am in favour of diagnostic reports. They outline the basics but they do have 6 key areas of safety that need to be adhered to when selling your property.
If you are in any doubt about the condition of your electrics be it frequent tripping, power outlets or lighting not working or no external earth connection always refer to a qualified electrician such as ourselves, we will be only too pleased to help. We are fully equipped to conduct relevant testing before recommendation and repair.