What could be nicer than sitting under the stars in the summer with a bit of music and a bottle of something chilled relaxing. The lifestyle statement has many plus points for your physical well being as well being an impressive feature to invite friends to. It's a great way to unwind and sooth aching joints and muscles and let's face it there's some stunning scenery in France to look onto.
As the months have gone by I have been fortunate enough to visit personally and professionally homes where there has been an inviting hot tub, they have been cool conversation starters and I know that in 2015 my services will be called upon to help ensure that consumer units are geared up for these additions.
Now for the serious stuff
Hot tubs are governed by strict regulation under the French normes, always consult with a qualified electrician. Your hot tub will be powered at the mains via and independent miniature circuit breaker [mcb] and will generally require a 32A supply from your consumer unit - this may vary and is dependent on the guidelines of the manufacturer. An isolator switch will also factor in as part of the installation, allowing users to be able to isolate the power should you need to stop power from your main board flowing to the hot tub.
A great way to enjoy aperos en France!
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